[a]typical week 
Monday, September 24, 2012, 21:33
again a rather crammed update of sorts, surely in turbulent times, but plenty good stuff going on.

Last week did my first EWIDS project (part of the COMMIT research initiative) workshop at the excellent D-CIS Lab, with talks by Nanda Weijermans and Claudine Conrado among others.

Sideways related, i'm working on a new project with Bureau M.E.S.T for Rotterdam Open Data in which we're mapping vacant buildings and property in the city of Rotterdam. Looking at these datasets for days now is kind of like a dream come true thinking back on Kongsi days.... ;)

With this project i'm also teaching a class of CMI students on working with CKAN, the Open Data Store and how to rip things in Fusion Tables and some maps geekery.

More awesomeness from our friends at Force of Freedom and Snijlab, in the context of also below mentioned LGRU research commisions; check out the up and coming Partsba.se project and the recent workshop clip on that. With Snijlab we're working on a prototype for a new, small format/low-cost DIY OpenHardware lasercutter - with fully open design docs and again a workshop series to go along with it...
Check out their initial, large format build via here

Keep an eye out for a new project in the aftermath of Web2.0SuicideMachine craze, made over summer with moddr_residents Owen Mundy and Tim Schwartz, and lastly here's a snap of an actual Aram Bartholl i had standing around - now in the bedroom as commode_dust :)
(cheers Aram)

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