Amsterdam based gallery Pakt wanted something really bloody for their 'Slagveld' ("Battlefield") exhibition...i guess they got it...

'PAKT.PK3' is a gamelevel which interactively depicts the gallery space, overly crowded with members (playermodels) of the Bush administration and Osama with friends, out to kill anyone who gets in their way. As a visitor of the exhibition you take on an equally violent role in a chance to shoot up the gallery space and everyone in it.
Due to the overcrowded 'shooting gallery' mayhem, an extremely high kill-count tended to confuse the server and ended up crashing it several times...

'PAKT.PK3' is a gamelevel which interactively depicts the gallery space, overly crowded with members (playermodels) of the Bush administration and Osama with friends, out to kill anyone who gets in their way. As a visitor of the exhibition you take on an equally violent role in a chance to shoot up the gallery space and everyone in it.
Due to the overcrowded 'shooting gallery' mayhem, an extremely high kill-count tended to confuse the server and ended up crashing it several times...