Crowd control is the result of a collaboration with audio/media artists CommandoCauldron and QUICK_CTRL. Rhythmic and sine-wave based audiotracks combined with 3D modeling projections, sensors and (self built) audio devices function as a 3D interface that allows the audience to manipulate the generated output. Crowd control can be described as an audiovisual toolkit that allows multiple combinations, depending on the space in which the installation is shown.
Scroll down for more info and video.

The basic setup consists of a semi sphere with light sensitive sensors attached to it. The sensors control robotic-like arms attached to the sliders of a mixingpanel. By manipulating the sensors different audiotracks are mixed on top of a basic track that's linked to a 3D model of the mixingpanel, which in turn is projected onto the sphere. The pulse of the basic track provides the rhythm of the projections movements.
So far four versions of Crowd control were presented at different locations.
Scroll down for more info and video.

The basic setup consists of a semi sphere with light sensitive sensors attached to it. The sensors control robotic-like arms attached to the sliders of a mixingpanel. By manipulating the sensors different audiotracks are mixed on top of a basic track that's linked to a 3D model of the mixingpanel, which in turn is projected onto the sphere. The pulse of the basic track provides the rhythm of the projections movements.
So far four versions of Crowd control were presented at different locations.