Monday, December 4, 2006, 12:38

just returned from ART+GAME and i'm back at PZI...
had a very interesting week, good workshop to start, and a nice exhibition over the weekend. I was in good company, with works like FIJUU, Electroplankton and JODI's latest game-hack ---
and 'q3a_social_ladder' got dubbed "a trashmetal-track of game-art" ( lol Julian ! )...which is a nice compliment in my book, ofcourse :)

thanks to Yves at iMAL for inviting me!
Monday, November 6, 2006, 14:57
here's some links to stuff i'm doing in the next few weeks:this thursday is the launch and lecture night about Ad!dict's latest research theme and Inspirationbook #26 issue GAMING, in which some of my work is featured. The night will be hosted by
SMCS on 11 in Amsterdam.
Then i'll be at the CROSS MEDIA & ALTERNATE REALITY GAMING WORKSHOP, hosted by Cargo New Media Space in Oostende (B), for two weekends in november/december.
Late november/ early december i'm in Brussels again for the ART+GAME workshop at IMAL, which will be led by Julian Oliver.
From the 1st till 5th of december there's also an ART+GAME exhibition at IMAL, in which i'll be showing a new/old work called 'q3a_social_ladder'. An update on this'll be available shortly...
Monday, November 6, 2006, 14:04
Just got back from a physical computing workshop, where I got in on the Arduino craze...The workshop was led by Johannes Taelman (see pic below) and held at OKNO, as a part of the XMEDK workshop series.

Here's a link to the workshop page and the participants ...
Monday, October 16, 2006, 08:37
added a static page for nOtbOt, check the sidebar under projects - or click here 
Thursday, September 21, 2006, 10:36
finally got around to getting some code snippets to embed lil' flash movies in for testing purposes, here's nOtbOt in action:Monday, September 11, 2006, 17:41
here's a pic of what i'm currently working on; i call it 'nOtbOt'.It's an old Logitech force-feedback joystick, slightly modified to create 'dada-machinima' which will be shown at the GOGBOT-festival later this week...

messy soldering still...
I control the force-feedback servo's from within PD, and send the output of the potentiometers to another machine (through a joystick interface), which is running a videogame. The data generated by the virtual game-player is sent back to the first machine running PD, and is then hooked back up to the stick....creating a (force)feedback loop.
The feedback loop can be viewed as an automated player (bot, NPC) possessing rather crude artificial intelligence; it responds to it's own movements and it's virtual surroundings, yet the result is completely irratic behaviour : )
Future nOtbOts will have Artificial Neural Nets (ANN's) which provide for more interaction with exhibition visitors, hopefully resulting in more strange behaviour on both sides..
Monday, September 4, 2006, 15:31
hacked up a pygame clone of 'Space Invaders' for the fine people at Villanella, which they showed at the opening of the new cultural season in Antwerp (B).: )

Monday, September 4, 2006, 15:20
took a lil break and hung out back east with old friends at Kongsi.some history: Kongsi is/was an organisation for young artists and musicians in Enschede, the Netherlands, founded by a bunch of friends while studying at the AKI, academy for fine arts and design. We started out as a squatters-group which turned into a somewhat more 'legal' artist collective after several succesful exhibits. We basically squatted large buildings for workspace and exhibiting purposes, and were on kind of a rampage tour through the city for a couple of years...
Recently the city council 'gave back' the building we squatted first, and where we founded our organisation, the old school at Daalweg 73, much stuff went down at this place, I won't even start...

Kongsi'll be there atleast untill august 2007, so if yr in the neighbourhood...
In the meantime they'll also be involved in setting up a medialab in the city center, together with Planetart, which might be interesting.
I'll be back there again soon for the GOGBOT festival, which takes place around the 14th of september. I will be showing my new 'nOtbOt' there, which i am frantically workin' on now... (more info up soon!)
Monday, September 4, 2006, 14:21
here's a pic of my work for the graduate show at PZI, in which us first year students exhibited the outcome of the -instrumental- project...
walking through the gamelevel generated sounds on a PD-style Moog, and I kludged together an interface by which the switching of weapons would shift modulation of the sound.
Other tools used were the Steim-junXionBox in combination with the KBStick joystick hack, the wonderful q3apd, and ofcourse my gentoo boxes.
Saturday, June 10, 2006, 17:41
here's some more stuff on the Gamezone exhibit in Antwerpen. There's also more images on their site Apparently the media coverage even made it to the evening news in Belgium, which can be viewed here
I found these pics on Peter's site, who came out with Eddo Stern for C-Level, showing the 'Waco Resurrection'

Sunday, May 7, 2006, 11:34
made some minimal casemods (or should i say Kees_mod?) for exhibiting machinima stuff at the KunstVlaai
Sunday, May 7, 2006, 11:26
PlanetArt invited me to participate at KunstVlaai06, at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam.Kees (mr. planetart) decided to set some MediaMarkt propaganda on fire during the opening, which made for some nice smoke effects on our hanging dead guy...

Friday, April 14, 2006, 18:22
two exhibitions in May where i'll be showing new work:Kunstvlaai6 , Westergasfabriekterrein, Amsterdam - opening May 6th 16.00h, open till May 14th (every day from 12.00h till 18.00h)
Gamezone De Singel, Antwerpen (B) - 24-28 May, every day from 14.00h till 19.00h - more info
Monday, March 13, 2006, 19:12
got to play around with q3apd for a bit in a CollabLab at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam, courtesy of the Dance Unlimited programme. Mostly worked with musician/composer Sebastian Schatz on a game version of the studio we worked in, hooked that up to PD and sent stuff to yet another machine through MIDI, wich mapped audio tracks into the physical space, corresponding with the virtual player's movements and location...(oh well, i guess you had to be there).
some more pics 'n stuff soon