new host, new bot, new job, new ... 
Monday, October 6, 2008, 20:08
i recently switched hosting providers on a diy whim, this site now lives on a serf provided by the wonderful - if you experienced trouble contacting me in the last few days it was because of the move, so shoot again..

a new version of nOtbOt will be presented at WORM as a new work by WORM T. Schippers in the 'Exposé Varié' exhibition [which is actually an ode to the work of dutch artist Wim T. Schippers]

also landed a new job at my favourite dutch academy, the AKI. I'm teaching a minor on art in public space, with a more specific focus on the blending between virtual and physical realms in this. The academy had to deal with many structural re-organisations lately, which also led to a new naming scheme for all the departments >> I'lll be working mainly in the 'autonomous3D' department, how cool is that ;)

last update here is that i got nominated for a very nice two month residency at Hangar in Barcelona...
despite being crazy busy the coming time i so hope to get this, so more soon!

Monday, October 6, 2008, 19:39
just returned from the Avecom festival/exhibition, where nOtbOt currently resides..

nice show with some interesting selections, k0a1a and yugo are also there - there's some coverage on the VirtueelPlatform site, and Keith has a good set on his flikkr..

the exhibition is on from 3rd till 26th of oktober.
q3aSocialLadder@encoding_experience, Hobart - Tasmania 
Monday, October 6, 2008, 19:25
thrashmetal game-art [[q3aSocialLadder]] showing at Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, University of Tasmania.

image by Nathan Menglef

Exhibition: 10 October - 31 October, 12:00- 17:00 daily EST.

Opening: Friday 10 October, 17:30 EST.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 08:04
added a page for my new work which is on show at the MediaLab Prado in Madrid till oktober,
check it out here or via the sidebar..

Sunday, June 1, 2008, 17:33
if you are around Rotterdam be sure to go down to Witte de Withstraat and check out the PZI_MDMA alumnishow at galerie Blaak10, which is on till the end of june.

on the 21st of june the Rotterdam Schouwburg area will host the Free Gaming festival; a one day event on gaming and gamers filled with activities, and there's also an art section where i be - together with ma moddr_comrades binary koala and FleshGordo...
all day from 14.00 till 23.00 - !free of charge!

at the moment i am in Madrid for the Interactivos?08 seminar and workshop, in the wonderful Medialab Prado.

Interactivos? is a research and production platform for the creative and educational uses of technology. Its main goal is to expand on the use of electronic and software tools for artists, designers and educators, thus contributing to the development of local communities of cultural producers in this field.

Interactivos? events are a hybrid between a production workshop, a seminar and an showcase. A space for reflection, research, and collaborative work is created, in which proposals selected by an international open call are developed, completed and displayed. Theprocess is open to the public from beginning to end.

The theoretical seminar “Juegos de la visión” (Vision Games) does not aim to present a linear history but instead, open up for reflection several contemporary approaches that explore the meaning of images and perception thresholds in the contemporary world. It is possible however to give an overview of the ways that images have changed us.


more updates on my work here soon..

moddr_eve on [t]error 
Thursday, April 17, 2008, 17:30

Sunday, April 6, 2008, 17:09
as of this weekend teh lab is finally getting some shape and form, we're done building tables, the studio is online and only waiting now for some fancy red carpet...

look out for multiplexed_microcontrolled_led_logo's, custom home-security-sys wif python2skype, Rotterdam's first shopwindow exhibition room for geeks, and our next public event will be a night on [t]error at moddr_mother WORM.

you can find us at WillemBuytewechstraat 188 - Rotterdam [NL], or in here at

punkrockpacman, she said 
Sunday, April 6, 2008, 16:45
worked on another pygame modification, this time the classic Pac-Man underwent some changes for sister0's exhibition 'Resist, she said' in the AIRBASE, located in quartier21, MuseumsQuartier Vienna [AT].

the mod is based on a PyGame which can be found here (thnx for putting that back up David, and thnx for troubleshooting Andy), and you can download the modified version here - the game depends on Python and PyGame being installed, and it will run on windoze and *nix systems...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 09:36
got a feature in ANAT's (Australian Network for Art and Technology) Filter magazine.

you can find the online version here,
thnx Melinda!

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 12:42
giving a talk at the SUBOTRON 'electric meeting' on 'custom interfaces and gender'.

We'll be in 'Raum D', the lecture room of the Quartier für Digitale Kultur, right at the end of the 'Electric Avenue' in quartier21 - which is located in the Museums Quartier in Vienna [AT].

Dorkbot Gent  
Monday, February 18, 2008, 18:44
this friday [22nd of feb] i'm talking at the Kunstencentrum Vooruit in the first of a new series of dorkbot meetings ,organized by dorkbot Gent, on the how and why of nOtbOt...

the event takes place in the 'Emiel' space at Vooruit and starts at 8.30pm.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 10:32
currently in Antwerp for the GameZone fest; added a new part to the killzone, showing the expansion of the Arts Campus which is to be completed somewhere round 2010 - however already to 'played' (or should that be fragged?) right now..

travel mode 
Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 21:34
next week i'll be in Antwerp for the second edition of the GAMEZONE festival, which runs from 7 till 10th of februari, and where i'm showing nOtbOt, a new version of the 'KillZone' for de Singel, and a lil' PyGame called pigInvaders...
<<< btw you can get a windoze version of this game including the sourcecode here - if you would like to compile it on linux, which is a bit trickier, drop me a line via here. >>>

then, after a brief stint in London, i'll be in Vienna for a while at the SUBOTRON SHOP for some 'hands on electronic game culture' - with the illustrious sisterO.

i'll spend some time doing codework for the Daedalus project, and there's also a lecture...

...but first off to transmediale.
# cl_avidemo 25 
Thursday, January 10, 2008, 13:25
been playing around with ioquake3's added support for capturing video...expect some more updates on older projects and maps soon. Other new features include the use of OpenAL for [surround]sound, and Ogg Vorbis support.

here's an example rendering of q3aSocialLadder:

footage from iMAL opening Brussels 
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 14:54
here's a clip showing works in the inaugural exhibition at iMAL (where i showed nOtbOt), featuring Jonah Brucker-Cohen, HC Gilje, Antoine Schmitt, Yannick Antoine, Thomas Israël, Yves Bernard, Sascha Pohflepp, Domenico Quaranta, Second Front, and me..

nOtbOt video game system? 
Thursday, October 11, 2007, 16:43
this on make:zine

> thnx Jonah !
nOtbOt at it again... 
Friday, October 5, 2007, 15:21
just got back from Brussels where nOtbOt was in the inaugural exhibition of the new iMAL space.

pic by Sascha !

There's an excellent article about the show on WMMNA, and French newspaper Libération posted a review and even a feature on nOtbOt ... (both in French tho :)

Daedalus_ex_Machina - Ariadne and the Labyrinth 
Sunday, July 29, 2007, 21:30

"A Labyrinthine man never seeks the truth, but only his Ariadne." - Nietzsche

initial sketch of the Daedalus_ex_Machina project at InteraktionsLabor_2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 20:37

Saturday, July 14, 2007, 19:53

Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 14:48
put up a website for my final project at PZI_MDMA, called TODO...

you can find it here or in the sidebar under projects.

there's also some coverage on the show here and here , and the catalogue essay written by Josephine Bosma can be found here .

yves' vid 
Monday, May 28, 2007, 11:10

nOtbOt at Laboral
Uploaded by malicy

got WMMNA'ed [was: Meanwhile, back at Laboral...] 
Friday, May 25, 2007, 19:04
so i'm back at Laboral where I had to fix poor nOtbOt in the Gameworld show, who got partly blown up when a power surge went through the building. One of the joystick circuits got fried and had to be replaced.

And then I get these emails that apparently, thanks to Yves (see below), i got featured (or nOtbOt did, atleast) on the WeMakeMoneyNotArt blog - which seems to deliver quite some heavy traffic to this place...
So if any of you reading this got linked through and ended up 'ere for some more info; dont worry, nOtbOt is working fine again and will be there at Gameworld for atleast another month. Word is, they might even keep it till september...

Ah well, procrastinating the writing of my final essay for PZI_MDMA is even better (=worse?) in Spain, of course...

Here is some more info about Laboral...

more nOtbOt_vid 
Friday, May 25, 2007, 07:10
Yves Bernard just posted a video of nOtbOt from the Gameworld exhib on his blog .

There's also a little txt 'bout it but since my french is a bit rusty i had to get a babelfish:
"In the exposure gameworld, Walter Langelaar (whom I had invited to Art+Game at the end of 2006) proposes nOtbOt: a computer which plays all alone, which does not need more a human player, quasi onanist! Moreover the note invites the visitor to seize the joystick - what very little dares to do obviously (one does not touch a ` oeuvre' posed so well, even in an interactive exposure) - and it is there that one realizes that this joystick is completely and strongly held by the machine, that you have any more any catch and nothing any more to make in this part."

planetart @ Balenfestival 
Monday, May 7, 2007, 19:37
next week i'll be setting up a small 'game-art' show in the 'Urban Culture' exhibition by Planetart at the Balenfestival in Enschede (NL).

There'll be work on show by Eddo Stern, retroYou, JODI, Julian Oliver and myself + a fine selection of streetart (o.a. Toaky, Nick, State, 711, Jord (Madman) Schoppink, Boris Tellegen, Rizzo, Bfree...), and a good BMX/skatepark especially built for the occasion.

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