Thursday, June 4, 2009, 18:57
here's some shots from my work at the 'Fluid Architectures' show in the NiMK, a more detailed desciption is here, and a video will be up soon..
(camera + me on camera)
Monday, June 1, 2009, 13:00

yesterday i went to an amazing place to visit the beautiful MaaKali, which turned into a truly inspiring experience. The place is called Villa Ockenburgh and it's an old hotel-slash-youth-hostel which is now run by StichtingZ. The main building houses several artist studios and projectspaces, surrounded by gardens and a park, proper estate style...
oh yeah and it's at the beach too ;)

Next to the villa there's this excellent building by Frank van Klingeren which totally reminded me of my old academy, AKI.
The building has been empty for several years now and for some reason got completely trashed by dutch ME idiots, who apparently needed some target practice, and it then got further vandalized by local youth...
(solid steel trying to blend in...)
Since i'm in for a small 'retraite', i might just hang out there for some weeks come summer to work on projects, aaaahhhh
Saturday, May 30, 2009, 12:31
quite a crazy week; flew off to Vienna last Tuesday to setup for the opening of the CodedCultures festival and symposium, first time showing the new nOtbOt hardware and casing (pic below). Press conference and opening on Wednesday, great times, and then flew back to Amsterdam Thursday evening to setup for the Fluid Architectures show at NIMK on Friday. Setting up there was no less problematic than usual, ended up recoding much of the work on the day itself (which turned out real nice actually) and more on that show soon...
the Coded Cultures exhibition is on till the 7th of June, the show at NIMK till 16th of August.
Thursday, May 14, 2009, 13:54
last week we presented one of our upcoming projects, tentatively dubbed the 'Web2.0 Suicide Machine!', at the Urban Studio Symposium for the Hogeschool Rotterdam.Tomorrow, Friday 15th, I'll be presenting a new nOtbOt and giving a short talk at the 'Digital Material' book launch, at Studio T in Utrecht.

Sunday, May 3, 2009, 14:55
giving a talk tonight at Dorkbot Vienna, showing off the new hardware base for nOtbOt, which is kind of a project in it's own - but more on that later, and a brief intro on moddr_ and previous works.Kindly hosted by monochrom and Coded Cultures, around 19.00 at Metalab.

Sunday, April 26, 2009, 11:21
just got back from the LinuxWochen in Linz, which was quite amazing...>> spot TUX ;)
went over to do the VGA Tester workshop with Arjan Scherpenisse, which was really great!
Despite a huge hangover from the great party the night before at OK, I still managed to cram this moddr_ logo thingie together like below - the circuit generating the image is in the lower-right corner ::
cheers to Arjan and workshop participants, and all the wonderful people i met over the last few days - and thnx dan for letting me crash ;)
Sunday, March 15, 2009, 18:55

during the month of April I'll be resident artist at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna, courtesy of Quartier21.
I'll be working on several projects and events leading up to the CodedCultures festival, so drop me a line if you're around or maybe see you there!

Thursday, March 5, 2009, 20:52
since my posting 'ere seem to stay somewhat sporadic anyhow, here's a whole string of new stuff i'm doing in coming times...
CODED CULTURES is a binational festival (Austria – Japan) in the year 2009 to explore new artistic practices and creative ability profiles within media integrated project-cultures and digital media related art, focusing on Japan and Europe.
I'll be showing work in the exhibition which takes place at Quartier21 in the Museumsquartier of Vienna - from 27th of may till 8th of june - and then later in the year in Yokohama(!!!) from 14th till 18th of October.

Also starting in May is an exhibition at the 'Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts' (or NIMK for short) on fluid architecture in which i'll be making a new site-specific work for the institute, and also i'll be giving a workshop.
The plan for this is to combine tech developments made in the nOtbOt and [[recursive]descent] projects into a new piece which deals with the NIMK building and context itself - let's say the working title is 'The Institute and it's Double'..
This show also features the excellent Pablo Valbuena and Mark Napier, and is curated by Susanne Jaschko.
On the 15th of May i'll be showing nOtbOt at a book presentation for the University of Amsterdam, i'll also be giving a talk there on my 'access' to digital media as an artist - which will probably entail me giving many kudos to all the wonderful opensource projects i've been able to base my work on.

For the 2009 edition of the GOGBOT festival i've been invited as a guest-curator for a videogame oriented part of the exhibition, where i'll also be showing new work made within the Fallout game series - that should fit nicely with the 'Atompunk'(?) theme i guess ;)
more on that here by BruceS...
then somewhere in the meantime some good friends and I are setting up a new studio+gallereh/parteh facility in Berlin someplace (so watch out if u see me crashin into stuff over there again), doing a lot of cool stuff with moddr_ at WORM, and re-working q3aSocialLadder with some Chlorgeschlecht tunes!
and surely there's more to add... soonish.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 20:58
feels like i'm spending more time in Berlin than in Rotterdam lately ;)from the 23rd on, for a full week i'll be participating in a daytime program of events which under the theme 'STRUCTURES – Backing-up Independent Audio-visual Cultures' will address both theoretical and practical aspects of today’s independent and experimental music production at the intersections of pop and sound & media arts.

More specifically, you can find us at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien - where xxxxx hosts an experimental nine day structure, widening the scope of construction and constructivism to embrace the social and economic structures of production and performance. Public interface is to be made explicit, inviting participation, visit and conversation.
Works produced during this week will be on show in the Bethanien gallery during the month of February.

Then on 30/31 of January i'll be showing several works/installations at C-BASE, Berlin's famous hacker space.
From their site:
"Join us for two days with a selection of installations, video-screenings, virtual worlds, electronic-noise performances and DJ-VJ live shows. We prepare for a battle with VJ Shithead, VJ Sandwoman, the Berlin-based noisecore live act Chlorgeschlecht, video artist Jan van Nuenen and game hacker Walter Langelaar.

If we survive the first night, we expect more to explore with Poppekastkrakers with electrotheatro, Paul Klotz with whitelight LED art, C-men micromusic visuals, Unyx, Via Oral’s nouveau hippie dada, Reinier Kranendonk with his running meat machine and more state-of-the-art computer- and web-technology by Eelco Wagenaar & Arjan Scherpenisse, Sander Veenhof, Angelo Vermeulen, Danja Vasiliev…"
Saturday, December 20, 2008, 13:35
DADAMACHINIMA is an exhibition I curated for Planetart on the topic of 'avant-garde videogame modification', showing great work by some of my favourite people in this particular field...hell, it even holds a brand spankin' new JODI, so if yr around Amsterdam go check it out!
artists on show include Aram Bartholl, Julian Oliver, JODI, Gottfried Haider, Ludic Society, Joan Leandre, Paul B. Davis, Marc van Elburg, Friedrich Kirschner Gordan Savicic and maself..
Big thanks to teh moddr_ crew and WORM for backing this up.

Saturday, December 6, 2008, 17:22
ok, so i just came off dutch radio show Radio Online where i was asked to shed some light on the Pirates-Of-The_Amazon situation;While being portrayed as one of the 'driving forces' behind the project and possibly even 'the author', i was asked about how the add-on actually works, how this is an artistic project, and several questions regarding Stichting Brein's response and also the response from Amazon (and their lawyers) - and the consequent take-down.
To conclude some of these things here:
Sure, i know the guys who made it. I think it is great work and believe this shows through the discussion it now generates, therefor i have supported the project and will continue to do so. This also goes for the medialab which i am a part of, and i am happy to say that we have worked with the project authors which also led us to organise and host the upcoming Launch Party on the 13th.
However as far as being 'responsible' for it or even being one of the authors, i will say this: The afore mentioned anti-piracy organisation seems to conclude from a post i made to Nettime that i am the projects author, while my main purpose there was of course to advertise the event i am organising at WORM, since thats what i do... and besides that I think from looking at the stuff on this website (which is my homepage) you could conclude that i am not really into coding Firefox add-ons... not my thing really ;)
Nevertheless Brein proceeded to send me an email claiming I was the author and kindly requesting me to take the website down, accompanied by several reasons why I am, according to them, breaking the law.
This subsequently went into dutch mainstream media, which i find rather unfortunate since it presumes the 'student' to be me, while (again) i am not and furthermore i'm not even a student at PZI/MDMA at all, at least not anymore.
I won't go into the further details on this here, but basically my response to Brein director Tim Kuik was an invitation to the event on the 13th - so he can engage in the discussion there, and i certainly hope he does exactly that.
And just to say the actual take-down of the website was done by free choice of the authors after they had been contacted by Amazon lawyers, already one day after the release, so Brein really didn't have anything to do with that..
Here's a selective overview of major articles and blogposts on the topic, with also the current state of the project as it now roams the interwebz:
initial release: posts an article with a rather suggestive title, the story also appears on, where it receives quite some attention.
The story goes crazy in the blogosphere and later also mainstream media catch on, like the Washington Post, Wired, and the New York Times - to name but a few.
In the meantime the letter from Amazon lawyers arrives and the work gets taken down; since many people complain about the site not being accessible anymore, Torrentfreak decides to mirror the .xpi file on their site, which can be found on the bottom of the original article (actually also Wired links directly to that file in their article).
Also the torrent-community decides to host the file, as it now also appears on the Pirate bay.
In the comment section on the Piratebay a discussion emerges on how to improve the add-on and plans are made to release and host a new version. Next to that, after an article on CNet, comes the (imo) most hilarious bit so far: a new add-on that 'reverses' the original 'Pirates of the Amazon' code:
"You've seen "Pirates at Amazon", now here's the reverse - adds GoogAzon-style quick Amazon results to and websites. For those with an attack of Conscience (or simply impatience), here's a plugin to help you sleep at night."
you can get that one here, and to me this shows (quite elegantly i might add) that at least some people appreciate the humor of all this...
edit: as far as the current 'revision into parody' on the original site goes; i dont agree with this at all, i believe the authors/artist should stand behind what they have created - and besides that i believe the reasons to be 'scared' are largely overblown...
but thats another story.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 20:41
will be talking at the Walled Garden conference in Aymeric's workgroup on Future Cultural Organisations..
20/21 november - Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam
Sunday, October 19, 2008, 18:56

... q3aSocialLadder is showing at Plimsoll Gallery, Tasmanian School of Art,
and nOtbOt is at Avecom, where we will also be giving a workshop next week on the 22nd... (drop me a line for more info on this, there should be some seats free)
Monday, October 6, 2008, 20:08
i recently switched hosting providers on a diy whim, this site now lives on a serf provided by the wonderful - if you experienced trouble contacting me in the last few days it was because of the move, so shoot again..a new version of nOtbOt will be presented at WORM as a new work by WORM T. Schippers in the 'Exposé Varié' exhibition [which is actually an ode to the work of dutch artist Wim T. Schippers]
also landed a new job at my favourite dutch academy, the AKI. I'm teaching a minor on art in public space, with a more specific focus on the blending between virtual and physical realms in this. The academy had to deal with many structural re-organisations lately, which also led to a new naming scheme for all the departments >> I'lll be working mainly in the 'autonomous3D' department, how cool is that ;)
last update here is that i got nominated for a very nice two month residency at Hangar in Barcelona...
despite being crazy busy the coming time i so hope to get this, so more soon!
Monday, October 6, 2008, 19:39
just returned from the Avecom festival/exhibition, where nOtbOt currently resides..nice show with some interesting selections, k0a1a and yugo are also there - there's some coverage on the VirtueelPlatform site, and Keith has a good set on his flikkr..

the exhibition is on from 3rd till 26th of oktober.
Monday, October 6, 2008, 19:25
thrashmetal game-art [[q3aSocialLadder]] showing at Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, University of Tasmania.
image by Nathan Menglef
Exhibition: 10 October - 31 October, 12:00- 17:00 daily EST.
Opening: Friday 10 October, 17:30 EST.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 08:04
added a page for my new work which is on show at the MediaLab Prado in Madrid till oktober,check it out here or via the sidebar..

Sunday, June 1, 2008, 17:33
if you are around Rotterdam be sure to go down to Witte de Withstraat and check out the PZI_MDMA alumnishow at galerie Blaak10, which is on till the end of june.on the 21st of june the Rotterdam Schouwburg area will host the Free Gaming festival; a one day event on gaming and gamers filled with activities, and there's also an art section where i be - together with ma moddr_comrades binary koala and FleshGordo...
all day from 14.00 till 23.00 - !free of charge!

at the moment i am in Madrid for the Interactivos?08 seminar and workshop, in the wonderful Medialab Prado.
Interactivos? is a research and production platform for the creative and educational uses of technology. Its main goal is to expand on the use of electronic and software tools for artists, designers and educators, thus contributing to the development of local communities of cultural producers in this field.
Interactivos? events are a hybrid between a production workshop, a seminar and an showcase. A space for reflection, research, and collaborative work is created, in which proposals selected by an international open call are developed, completed and displayed. Theprocess is open to the public from beginning to end.
The theoretical seminar “Juegos de la visión” (Vision Games) does not aim to present a linear history but instead, open up for reflection several contemporary approaches that explore the meaning of images and perception thresholds in the contemporary world. It is possible however to give an overview of the ways that images have changed us.
more updates on my work here soon..
Sunday, April 6, 2008, 17:09
as of this weekend teh lab is finally getting some shape and form, we're done building tables, the studio is online and only waiting now for some fancy red carpet...
look out for multiplexed_microcontrolled_led_logo's, custom home-security-sys wif python2skype, Rotterdam's first shopwindow exhibition room for geeks, and our next public event will be a night on [t]error at moddr_mother WORM.
you can find us at WillemBuytewechstraat 188 - Rotterdam [NL], or in here at
Sunday, April 6, 2008, 16:45
worked on another pygame modification, this time the classic Pac-Man underwent some changes for sister0's exhibition 'Resist, she said' in the AIRBASE, located in quartier21, MuseumsQuartier Vienna [AT].
the mod is based on a PyGame which can be found here (thnx for putting that back up David, and thnx for troubleshooting Andy), and you can download the modified version here - the game depends on Python and PyGame being installed, and it will run on windoze and *nix systems...