Monday, September 4, 2006, 15:20
took a lil break and hung out back east with old friends at Kongsi.
some history: Kongsi is/was an organisation for young artists and musicians in Enschede, the Netherlands, founded by a bunch of friends while studying at the
AKI, academy for fine arts and design. We started out as a squatters-group which turned into a somewhat more 'legal' artist collective after several succesful exhibits. We basically squatted large buildings for workspace and exhibiting purposes, and were on kind of a rampage tour through the city for a couple of years...
Recently the city council 'gave back' the building we squatted first, and where we founded our organisation, the old school at Daalweg 73, much stuff went down at this place, I won't even start...

Kongsi'll be there atleast untill august 2007, so if yr in the neighbourhood...
In the meantime they'll also be involved in setting up a medialab in the city center, together with
Planetart, which might be interesting.
I'll be back there again soon for the
GOGBOT festival, which takes place around the 14th of september. I will be showing my new 'nOtbOt' there, which i am frantically workin' on now... (more info up soon!)