Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 20:38
(but first off a sneak preview at two upcoming projects, clicky-clicky here and here)got word from David that documentation of the recent Games Lab festival is up. Check out the video below and their site!
UCLA Game Art Festival 2012 from UCLA Game Lab on Vimeo.
... and working towards the last events i'm doing at WORM this year, with a good deal coming up this Saturday: join in for the very awesome 'Action Research' workshop with Markus Hafner and get in to the evening event at WORM for FREE!!!! enjoy moddr_'s last workshop for now combined with one of the last decent gigs at WORM for the coming time..
as usual you can find more info via http://moddr.net/,
and also keep an eye out for the upcoming multiplayer Indie game tournaments with added chiptune frenzy late November - more info on that one here soon!

also updated some links on the side here to reflect my posts/work at WORM better, and the MDMA link again points to where it should @PZI...