current&upcoming events December 2011 
Monday, December 5, 2011, 22:57
the 'Art of Hacking' show at NIMK just ended, where i compiled the moddr_ contribution dubbed "Subroutines", which included works by Birgit Bachler, Tim Schwartz, Kim Asendorf, Loud Objects, Philipp W. Teister, Travis Goodspeed, Wim van Eck and Dennis de Bel,

still on is the 'Space Invaders' show at Nikolaj in Copenhagen, where you can find me again in January for the Nordic Game Jam,

but first up some stuff i'm organizing at the very awesome new WORM currently; the first events in a series of the 'Libre Graphics Research Unit', or LGRU for short.

check out our Call for Entries, the FREE! programme for Friday, and the PARTY! on Saturday ;)

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